воскресенье, 13 сентября 2015 г.

In long days

IN LONG DAYS is a short documentary about a family who decided to take the risk of living a different life. Rodrigo, Miriam and Pablo abandoned the city to pursue their autonomy and their freedom in the wilderness, allowing themselves to imagine a flexible and autonomous space, a space ready to adapt both to the ecosystem and their changing needs. Their story is a testimony about life and survival in an 'underdeveloped country', a brave stand against a a system grounded on the understanding of precariousness as the opportunity to transform the imposed conditions of the 'underdevelopment' discourse into something pleasantly unexpected.

Director: Adrián Villa Dávila

Adrián Villa has been working in the artists collective producciones invisibles for the last 7 years. With their work they search for metaphors with the potential of undermining certain uses and conceptions of space. They long for new forms of inhabiting and attempt to encounter them through the marginal thought operations found in art. Villa currently finished his Master studies in Media Arts at the Kunst Hochschule für Medien Köln.


Film Type:Documentary, Short
Genres:Human interest, Nature, Autonomy, Resistance
Runtime:40 minutes
Completion Date:January 1, 2014
Production Budget:6,000 EUR
Country of Origin:Germany
Country of Filming:Colombia
Film Language:Spanish

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