воскресенье, 16 августа 2015 г.


A scam artist pretends to be a psychic as a way of living, but in this will result in different accident s and testing the existence of psychic abilities and the con artist real intentions.

Director: Jackel Chow

Jackel Chow is a freelance film director from the UK and grew up in Hong Kong. He used to live in Australia and different parts of Europe. Such multi-national background brings him an unique perspective with international work, especially for co-productions between Europe and Asia.
Besides directing, Jackel sometimes would also be a producer or editor on his own projects . Occasionally, he writes film critics or makes commercial videos for mainstream audience. In regards of long term project , he is dealing with couples of feature film productions in development stage.


Film Type:Short
Genres:Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Runtime:15 minutes
Completion Date:June 8, 2014
Production Budget:7,500 EUR
Country of Origin:Estonia
Country of Filming:Estonia
Film Language:Russian

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