вторник, 25 августа 2015 г.


After the murder of Joe Melby, Tommy, mother and Katie are left grief stricken. It is only after a knock at the front door during dinnertime that everything is turned upside down as Joe stands beyond the threshold. The status quo is regained quickly, and the miss-diagnosis of death forgotten. But as Joe and Katie rekindle their relationship, Tommy becomes increasingly envious building the tension between the 3 characters, until something must explode to release the pressure.

Director: Alexander Jones Nash

Alexander is an ambitious young filmmaker. Graduating from the University of Derby with a 1st in Creative Writing, he continued on to a Master's degree at Bournemouth University in Directing Digital Film and Television for which he was awarded a Distinction. With the new skills learned, he has produced a selection of work which includes: working with children; working with animals; special effects; elaborate set/make-up design, and the casting of Oscar film nominees.


Film Type:Short
Runtime:13 minutes 23 seconds
Completion Date:December 17, 2014
Country of Origin:United Kingdom
Country of Filming:United Kingdom
Film Language:English

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