In a near future where citizens are able to host a prisoner at their home in return for a stipend, a young father tries to save his crumbling mariage by applying to this new experiment but he starts to understand his own self interest could be to the detriment of the human being.
Director: Sébastien Bellaval
Born in Toulouse (France), Sébastien Bellaval was first meant to become a fireman but he quickly gave up his previous job to start a career as a filmmaking in the french cinema industry.Settled in Paris, he starts to work on cameras and lighs on movie sets. Beside he studies film editing and participates to several acting classes wih coachs such as DAMIEN ACOCA and BOB McANDREW. Beside, he writes a music video screenplay for a french band which won the « Best Script of the Week » price by Celtx. He also directs his first shortfilm FUNKYFISH, an experimental movie selected by several festivals and gets nominated as « Révélation ShortFilm Corner 2010 » by L'Agence du Court-Métrage at The Festival of Cannes.
Since years he works on music videos for the french beatmaker GUTS, but also on other shortfilm projects with the painter MAMBO and the actor coach DAMIEN ACOCA.
Film Type:ShortGenres:Sci-Fi, Drama, Social, Politic, Suspense
Runtime:19 minutes 13 seconds
Completion Date:March 12, 2015
Production Budget:10,000 EUR
Country of Origin:France
Country of Filming:France
Film Language:French
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