Xander, a South African highschooler in 1960, is a victim of abuse. His friendship with a dog and love for poetry helps him to see life in a new light.
Runtime:11 minutes 49 seconds
Completion Date:July 6, 2015
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:South Africa
Country of Filming:South Africa
Film Language:Afrikaans
Director: Marieke de Koker
Marieke de Koker is a young South African filmmaker (17 yrs) currently studying at the Interlochen Arts Academy in the United States. Her films are aimed at making a difference and using the medium to communicate powerful themes to the audience.Specifications
Film Type:Short, StudentRuntime:11 minutes 49 seconds
Completion Date:July 6, 2015
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:South Africa
Country of Filming:South Africa
Film Language:Afrikaans
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