четверг, 27 августа 2015 г.


Malena, a young woman form Argentina comes to New York to work as an actress, but she quickly realizes she is not "latin" enough to play these roles -and that she has too much of an accent to play the "white" roles. Malena will decide to compromise her integrity to succeed.


Inés Gowland is a 25 year old filmmaker born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She studied film, particularly Cinematography, and had the pleasure of working in the independent film community for a couple of years as a DP, AC and Sound Mixer. She also developed as a stand up comedian, performing in several stages in Buenos Aires.
She is currently enrolled in NYU’s Graduate Film Program, where she is developing as a writer/director. She just finished her third narrative project, a 9 minute film called "Latiner", shot in New York City.


Film Type:Short, Student
Runtime:9 minutes
Completion Date:May 26, 2015
Production Budget:2,500 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Film Language:English, Spanish

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