Raised on a farm in the very heart of Iceland, two brothers are portrayed as they face their daily routines. Leading different lives, the older brother living in the city far away from the valley that used to be his home, the younger living as a farmer together with his wife and son. Their story becomes a lyrical journey into the depths of one another, during which the characters address important questions about belonging, being homesick and finding one's place in the world.
Director: Katarzyna Lesisz
Born in 1985. Graduated from Applied Social Sciences at the University of Warsaw. She is currently a third year student of film directing at the National Film School in Łódź, working on her diploma film.
Film Type:Documentary, Short, StudentGenres:Drama, Poetic, Reality, Slice of life, Artistic, Biography
Runtime:18 minutes 45 seconds
Completion Date:April 1, 2014
Production Budget:1,500 EUR
Country of Origin:Poland
Country of Filming:Iceland
Film Language:English, Icelandic
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