This film directed,scripted and performed by Li Bin who is 21 yeas old. This is his first film. When he was 19 years old, finished the film script writing. The contest finalists in USA (Mississippi), Germany (Berlin), India, China... A number of International Film Festival and the underground Independent Film Festival held national and city.
This is his third grade university shooting works. To pay tribute to the director Wong Kar-Wai.
Runtime:1 hour 22 minutes 5 seconds
Completion Date:September 14, 2014
Production Budget:400,000 CNY
Country of Origin:China
Country of Filming:China
Film Language:Chinese
This is his third grade university shooting works. To pay tribute to the director Wong Kar-Wai.
Film Type:FeatureRuntime:1 hour 22 minutes 5 seconds
Completion Date:September 14, 2014
Production Budget:400,000 CNY
Country of Origin:China
Country of Filming:China
Film Language:Chinese
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