Trinitarios looking for Paradise on Earth in the great amazonian forest, Bolivia. They stopped and found a village, where the new geneartion never heard about this amazing story. Adults found in my project of making a movie, a way to interess youth to history of Loma Santa.
Runtime:26 minutes 40 seconds
Completion Date:July 1, 2014
Production Budget:2,500 USD
Country of Origin:France
Country of Filming:Bolivia, Plurinational State of
Film Language:Spanish
Director’s Statement
Please find the film with subtitles in CC button below the Film Freeways player. Or you can watch the film directly on youtube with subtitles :
Film Type:Documentary, ShortRuntime:26 minutes 40 seconds
Completion Date:July 1, 2014
Production Budget:2,500 USD
Country of Origin:France
Country of Filming:Bolivia, Plurinational State of
Film Language:Spanish
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