среда, 26 августа 2015 г.

Looking for Paradise

Trinitarios looking for Paradise on Earth in the great amazonian forest, Bolivia. They stopped and found a village, where the new geneartion never heard about this amazing story. Adults found in my project of making a movie, a way to interess youth to history of Loma Santa.

Director’s Statement

Please find the film with subtitles in CC button below the Film Freeways player. Or you can watch the film directly on youtube with subtitles : https://youtu.be/or16AeEVRz4


Film Type:Documentary, Short
Runtime:26 minutes 40 seconds
Completion Date:July 1, 2014
Production Budget:2,500 USD
Country of Origin:France
Country of Filming:Bolivia, Plurinational State of
Film Language:Spanish

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