среда, 26 августа 2015 г.

Hermann's Fortune

The shy Hermann is alone at home cleaning a found bottle, when suddenly out of that bottle appears a funny and lively female genie. Within five minutes he gets stuck in a chaos of free wishes and their fulfilling...

Director: Lisa Zielke

I am Lisa, a movie maker, traveller, singer and language lover from Germany. I grew up in Hamburg, lived a year each in Russia and Ivory Coast and a while in Spain (Barcelona) as well. I am finishing my university degree in Film Studies in Mainz, Germany. Movie making is part of my life since 2009 and I am heading for a future as a professional director.


Film Type:Feature, Short, Student
Runtime:5 minutes 56 seconds
Completion Date:February 28, 2015
Production Budget:400 EUR
Country of Origin:Germany
Country of Filming:Germany
Film Language:German

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