пятница, 10 июля 2015 г.

NAFiR: Musical Impressions of a New age Dervish

Nima Lavafpour is a traveling musician from Iran and shares a deep bond with India. On one such visit to India, he gets to rediscover a memoir after 8 years. This sparks an infectious wave of creativity in his life and others around...
A musical exploration, reminding us of an age-long spiritual and cultural bond between India and Iran. For those who are following open lines of Sufism outside and beyond any per-conceived doctrine of law, institutions or religion.

Director: Roy Dipankar

An Artist & Repertoire professional and Documentary Filmmaker, Roy has been creating and managing content related to music and films since the last 10 years. After working in advertising and major record labels, Roy wanted to use his experience and knowledge base to make films that would convey various stories that need to be told.
NAFiR is his debut directorial effort. Currently Roy's working on two other projects that would be revealed later this year in 2015.


Film Type:Documentary, Short
Genres:Music Documentary, Poetry, Arts, World Cultures, Social Message, Sufism
Runtime:31 minutes 25 seconds
Completion Date:April 15, 2015
Production Budget:6,000 USD
Country of Origin:India
Country of Filming:India
Film Language:English

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