понедельник, 13 июля 2015 г.


A young lady living with a man 30 years older then her. She has a difficult time with him, and doesn't know how to escape from him. The man Addiction to smoking, alcohol, and even sex. The lady decided in the end to go away.

Director: Dilgesh Rojbeyani

Born in Zakho - Kurdistan-Iraq 03-08-1979. sinds 2002 work in film world, first work he with Evinifilms as camera-editing director assistant until 2005. He make he"s first short film HEYVA BILIND 2007. Then DER 2009. And BLACK HONOUR 2012. And KIRA 2015.
Now he live and work in Belgium.


Film Type:Short, Student
Runtime:12 minutes
Completion Date:January 1, 2015
Production Budget:2,500 EUR
Country of Origin:Belgium
Country of Filming:Belgium

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