понедельник, 12 октября 2015 г.

My Father's Land

Papa Jah, a humble gardener, has lived in the Bahamas for 40 years. He returns to Haiti to see his 103 years old father and reunite with the land he left.

Director: Miquel Galofré

Miquel Galofré (Barcelona) is a multi-award winning filmmaker based in the Caribbean.
After 20 years traveling the world producing TV programs, he jumped to film documentaries.


Film Type:Documentary
Genres:Social, travel, caribbean, immigrants, Haiti, Bahamas, Cuba, DR
Runtime:1 hour 2 minutes 3 seconds
Completion Date:September 20, 2015
Production Budget:100,000 USD
Country of Origin:Bahamas
Country of Filming:Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Haiti
Film Language:English, French, Spanish

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