воскресенье, 20 сентября 2015 г.

The Looking Planet

During the construction of the universe, a young member of the Cosmos Corps of Engineers decides to break some fundamental laws in the name of self-expression.

Director: Eric Law Anderson

Eric Law Anderson graduated from the film school at the University of Southern California. His films have played at festivals all over the world, including the Sundance Film Festival, and have won many honors, among them a College Emmy, Best Short Film at the Los Angeles Film Festival, a Grand Remi from Worldfest-Houston, and more than 50 other awards. He started his professional career at Columbia/Sony Pictures, writing a sci-fi feature film (unproduced) based on his original story. He's a native of Louisville, KY and a member of the Writer's Guild of America.


Film Type:Animation, Short, Other
Genres:Sci-Fi Fantasy
Runtime:16 minutes 38 seconds
Completion Date:April 8, 2014
Production Budget:30,000 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:Brazil, United States
Film Language:English, French, Spanish

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