суббота, 12 сентября 2015 г.


Guida, a sweet lady who has been working as an archivist at a Courthouse for 30 years, has her routine changed when she sees a newspaper ad about life drawing classes in a cultural center of the city. Through the main character's creative sensibility, the short film offers a reflection about the artistic inspiration recovery process, art as a transformation agent and the concept of beauty.

Director: Rosana Urbes

Animator, Illustrator and Storyboard Artist, the director of " Guida" Rosana Urbes worked outside Brazil for 8 years, 6 of them at Disney Studios on movies such as “Mulan”, “Tarzan” and “Lilo & Stitch”. Back To Brazil, she created the company RR Animation Films where she developed many international Animation projects, also designing and illustrating for books.


Film Type:Animation
Runtime:11 minutes 30 seconds
Completion Date:June 11, 2014
Production Budget:1,000 USD
Country of Origin:Brazil
Country of Filming:Brazil

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