After a night of failed attempts to sleep, the artist tries to overcome his insomnia by working on a painting. However, something extraordinary occurs with his paint, when during the process, they come alive.
Runtime:7 minutes 8 seconds
Completion Date:November 1, 2014
Production Budget:70 USD
Country of Origin:Argentina
Country of Filming:Argentina
Film Language:English
Director: Mauricio Vides Almonacid
Mauricio Vides was born in Tucuman, Argentina. His father is Bernardo Vides, an internationally-awarded movie animator. From a very young age, he worked with his dad bringing still characters to life on screen. Mauricio began his studies in the National University for Cinema in Tucuman, and later moved on to Pampa Olivos Center in Buenos Aires, where he assisted professors in teaching animation courses. He then moved on to teaching his own workshops and lectures in Stop-Motion Animation. In 2012, he created his own project, named 'Los Glubis', which won a contest for Best Animated TV Series, to be funded by the National Cinema Institute and aired on National Public Television. This project launched his career from teaching young children, to giving lectures for fellow animators internationally. Mauricio now keeps expanding his horizons by continuously working on bringing his many scripts and characters to life.Specifications
Film Type:Animation, ShortRuntime:7 minutes 8 seconds
Completion Date:November 1, 2014
Production Budget:70 USD
Country of Origin:Argentina
Country of Filming:Argentina
Film Language:English
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