Writing partners suffer writers block while attempting to write the perfect short for film festival acceptance.
Runtime:16 minutes
Completion Date:April 23, 2015
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Film Language:English
Director: Jim Menza
Jim Menza is a director, writer, producer, editor and actor who has spent most of his adult life in the entertainment industry. After spending two years on a successful sitcom for TBS called ROCKY ROAD, he set out on a forty-six State tour as the on-air host and writer of the FAMILY CHANNEL'S TV show; THE SUMMER DRIVE-IN THEATRE. His films include DUSTING CLIFF SEVEN, which he also wrote, and NICE GUYS... which he wrote, produced and starred in. Jim wrote directed, produced and edited the feature films PATIENT – official selection of the Angel Citi Film Festival, FOOSLISH THE WISE – official selection of The California Independent Films Festival, BLOOD, BAGGED – distributed by Fenix Films, THE LIST – Feature Film Winner of the Key West Independent Film Festival, SIGNED IN BLOOD – official selection of the Dances With Films Film Festival, SLIGHT OF LIFE – official selection of the DeReel Australian International Film Festival, EXECUTION – distributed by Ytinifni Pictures, RID, and BLOODY WINGS.Specifications
Film Type:ShortRuntime:16 minutes
Completion Date:April 23, 2015
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Film Language:English
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