воскресенье, 13 сентября 2015 г.


Life on Earth is extinct. Aided by an artificial intelligence, the only survivors, a man and a woman, must fight against madness, guilt and loneliness inside a spaceship so the human race can continue existing.

Director: Paco Ramírez

Paco Ramírez was born in Mexico City in 1990. He studied film in Centro de diseño, cine y televisión, where he worked in 17 different short films. He works as a freelancer, producing and animating videos. His areas of interest are film direction, cinematography, production design, and documentaries. The sci-fi short film “Isis” is his thesis project.


Film Type:Short, Student
Runtime:19 minutes 23 seconds
Completion Date:March 12, 2015
Country of Origin:Mexico
Country of Filming:Mexico
Film Language:Spanish

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