вторник, 7 июля 2015 г.

The Agent

Football agent Michael thinks that local gangster Joe (Jimmy Smallhorne - Love/Hate) is going to break his legs over an unpaid gambling debt. He's probably right...

Director: John Dixon

The Agent is the second short film from Director/Actor/Writer John Dixon who has previous acting experience. His debut short film The Last Frame was also completed in the first half of 2015. Both shorts show the grittier, harder edged side to life in Dublin, Ireland's capital city. They showcase John's stylized, fluid direction, original story telling abilities and focus on entertaining the viewer. He is currently working on his first feature, a psychological thriller named Confirmation Bias which has a completion date of early 2016.

Film Type:Short
Runtime:11 minutes 52 seconds
Completion Date:May 1, 2015
Production Budget:0 EUR
Country of Origin:Ireland
Country of Filming:Ireland
Film Language:English

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