вторник, 14 июля 2015 г.

I feel great

Muki is 30 years old and lives in the suburbs of Copenhagen. He arrived to Denmark as the only survived member of his family – all others have become victims of the Bosnian war in the beginning of the 90’s.

When his girlfriend leaves him, Muki’s world starts crumbling apart and all the traumas from the war and the exile begin to arise.

To help him through the painful time after the break up, Muki’s friends decide to take him on a fishing trip.
During the trip, Muki is struggling to keep the secret of his condition, but the illness betrays him and all of a sudden they all realize that the loss of the girl was only a trigger for something deeper and more serious.

Director: Mirza Ekinovic

Directors bio

Born in 1981 in Bosnia. He came to Danmark 1993 and has lived there ever since. He received his directors degree at The National Filmschool of Denmark .
He lives and works in Copenhagen Denmark.


Film Type:Short
Runtime:40 minutes
Completion Date:October 27, 2014
Country of Origin:Denmark
Country of Filming:Denmark
Film Language:Croatian, Danish, Serbian

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