The Sentinel follows the story of a father, Joel, who cares deeply for his family and takes pride in raising his only daughter, Samantha. However, his world is thrown into chaos when she is kidnapped, sexually assaulted, and left traumatized. Against the wishes of the police, he takes it upon himself to find the man who did it and make him pay for it, no matter what. The film takes you through a progressive journey of choosing right over wrong, and putting family first.rough a progressive journey of choosing right over wrong, and putting family first.
Director: Jay Parikh
Jay Parikh’s journey as a filmmaker began way before he crossed seven seas and reached all the way west to Uncle Sam's land in 2012. Despite having a degree and the brains of an engineer, he has a heart, every cell of which screams out loud with his immense passion for filmmaking. With over a five year long experience in the art of film making, Jay has won several accolades and awards for his work. As a director, he is not just entitled to giving life to his ideas and the story, but also giving creative liberty to his actors and bringing out the best in them. And Jay clearly aces in it. Being a young filmmaker from India, Jay has come a long way by overcoming language and cultural barriers and creating a niche in arena of American film. His goal is to create movies which not just touch people's heart, but bring alive all five senses.
Film Type:Short
Runtime:17 minutes 49 seconds
Completion Date:August 24, 2015
Production Budget:4,000 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Film Language:English
Film Type:Short
Runtime:17 minutes 49 seconds
Completion Date:August 24, 2015
Production Budget:4,000 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Film Language:English
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