"Bombard the Headquarters" is a topical movie; its plot develops around the political situation of the 2014 and, more precisely, the influence of this situation on the minds and actions of the intelligent youth. Russia, St. Petersburg. Summer 2014. Young actors, artists and just some hipsters do nothing, but argue and laugh about Maidan, the right sector and the DPR (Donetsk People's Republic). They get drunk and try to solve their love problems - but, all of a sudden, political hysteria starts creeping into the story from the outside world, and, unexpectedly, it changes the main character, who at the beginning was totally indifferent to politics. From now on, it is not clear to him, where the border between drunken nonsense and frightening reality lies.
He studied in St. Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy on "Cinema and television direction" for 1 year, then started studying in St. Petersburg State university of Cinema and Television on "Direction of television programs", graduated in 2011.
He makes short fiction and documentary films, musical clips and commercial as the script writer, director, director of photography and film editor.
Runtime:16 minutes 50 seconds
Completion Date:January 1, 2015
Production Budget:1,000 USD
Country of Origin:Russian Federation
Country of Filming:Russian Federation
Film Language:Russian
Director: Stepan Grusha
Stepan Grusha was born in St. Petersburg in 1988.He studied in St. Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy on "Cinema and television direction" for 1 year, then started studying in St. Petersburg State university of Cinema and Television on "Direction of television programs", graduated in 2011.
He makes short fiction and documentary films, musical clips and commercial as the script writer, director, director of photography and film editor.
Film Type:Feature, ShortGenres:drama
Runtime:16 minutes 50 seconds
Completion Date:January 1, 2015
Production Budget:1,000 USD
Country of Origin:Russian Federation
Country of Filming:Russian Federation
Film Language:Russian
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