Lima try to remember his lost father by repeating the old memories . until he himself get old...
Runtime:14 minutes 15 seconds
Completion Date:July 7, 2015
Production Budget:8,000 USD
Country of Origin:Iran, Islamic Republic of
Country of Filming:Iran, Islamic Republic of
We meet up first at the University in 2008 ,and because of our same interest in stop motion Technic, we began our Joint work in 2009 in our personal workshop .our first experience in stop motion field was a short animated movie call "Lanti" and our second one "Lima" began in 2012 and end in jul 2015.Specifications
Film Type:Animation, ShortRuntime:14 minutes 15 seconds
Completion Date:July 7, 2015
Production Budget:8,000 USD
Country of Origin:Iran, Islamic Republic of
Country of Filming:Iran, Islamic Republic of
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